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We bring you BetterCore™ - MCT's growing family of innovative card constructions - designed with the environmentally conscious consumer in mind...

At MCT, we embrace the challenge to meet the growing demand for increasingly sustainable products and services. The core materials used in our BetterCore™ card portfolio are high-quality and environmentally-superior alternatives to virgin PVC - the material that has served as the industry's go-to core resin for decades.
Your card program is a uniquely visible element of your brand. Reduce your environmental impact and convey your environmental values by incorporating BetterCore™ materials into your cards.
The BetterCore™ family includes products that qualify for claims of recycled content, reduced PVC, PVC-free, third-party chain-of-custody certified, zero-plastic, and more!
Image of BetterCore sustainable card samples
Build your card program's sustainability story...
Your MCT team has decades of experience working with brands to identify materials and design attributes that are in alignment with the brand's values and target audience.
Did you know that MCT can provide educational training to your team as you build your card program's sustainability story?
  • Learn all about the "life cycle" of a card, and which parts of the life cycle are the biggest concern for today's consumers. Identify environmental goals for your card program that will be meaningful for your cardholders.
  • Learn about industry, legislative, and regulatory trends that may factor into your choice of materials.
  • Discuss available BetterCore™ materials - their relative cost, availability, and suitability based on your sustainability story and preferred environmental labeling strategy. 
The transition to cleaner, more sustainable materials in the card industry is happening now. Be part of the change!
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